Parfait Mahugnon DOFFON1*, Sawa André Philippe KPAIBE2*, Engelbert AGBOKPONTO1, Farid BABAMOUSSA3, Aristide ADJAGBONI2, Gabin ASSANHOU4, Habib GANFON4, Achille YEMOA1, Christophe AMIN2
1: Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Drug Analysis (LCAM), Pharmacy Training and Research Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences; University of Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin
2: Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences; University Félix Houphouët-Boigny; Ivory Coast
3: Laboratory of Microbiology, Food Technologies and Phytopathology (LAMITAP), Faculty of Science and Technology; University of Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin.
4: Pharmacy Training and Research Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences; University of Abomey Calavi, Cotonou, Benin.
Abstract: To study the quality of the honeys consumed in the city of Cotonou, physico-chemical and microbiological analyses were carried out on thirty-two (32) samples of honey of different brands marketed in the supermarkets of the city of Cotonou, of which twenty-seven (27) brands were locally produced. These honey samples were collected in seven (07) districts of the city of Cotonou.
The study of labeling was done by visual inspection; the physico-chemical parameters analyzed were density, pH, water content, electrical conductivity, free acidity and level of Hydroxy Methyl Furfural (HMF). Five (05) microbiological parameters: yeasts and molds, salmonella, sulphite-reducing anaerobic bacteria (Clostridium spp), Escherichia coli and Total Mesophilic Aerobic Flora (FAMT) were determined in each sample.
93.75% of samples analyzed did not fulfill the recommended mentions on their labels. The determination of the physico-chemical parameters of the honeys showed pH values varying between 3.50 and 6.83 and electrical conductivity between 0.142 and 1.351. The density of the honeys analyzed varied between 1.205 and 1.456 and HMF content ranged from 3.0 to 223.7 mg/kg; the free acidity values were between 4.67 and 71 meq/kg and the insoluble matter content varied from 0.063 g to 0.719 g per 100 g of honey.
According to the specifications relating to honey in Benin, the microbiological analysis showed that for 65.63% of our samples the microbiological quality were not acceptable: 59.38% contained several total mesophilic aerobic flora, 18.75% contained salmonella and a number of yeasts and molds that exceeded the standards; 9.38% contained bacteria of the Clostridium genus and 3.13% contained Escherichia coli strains.
Key words: honey, quality, Cotonou, physico-chemical and microbiological analysis.
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